Cambs Compressors Newsletter Winter 2023

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter please email [email protected] Compressed Air Equipment Design & Installation Solutions Compressor & Compressed Air System Maintenance C o m p r e s s e d A i r S y s t e m s , D e s i g n , S u p p l y , I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d S u p p o r t Cambs Compressor Engineering Ltd, 22 Edison Road, St Ives, Cambs PE27 3LF Tel: 0800 0029601 Email: [email protected] Web: Do you know your legal obligations of running a compressed air system? Businesses in the UK running compressed air systems have legal obligations to ensure the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their activities. Can you demonstrate you are operating within the legislation? To demonstrate legal compliance when operating compressed air systems in the UK, businesses must maintain and be able to produce certain evidence. This evidence helps verify that the business is adhering to relevant health and safety regulations. If you are unsure, then Cambs Compressors can help Having this evidence readily available for inspection helps businesses demonstrate your commitment to health and safety compliance, both to regulatory authorities and internal stakeholders. Regularly reviewing and updating documentation is crucial to ensuring ongoing compliance with legal requirements. Cambs Compressors have qualified inspectors who can come to site to discuss how you ensure you both operate and can evidence that the business is adhering to relevant health and safety regulations. Here are key pieces of evidence that businesses should have readily available: Avelair are no mugs! As an authorised reseller for Avelair, we get to attend product training days and as a reward we get a personalised Avelair mug. Why do we choose to specify and sell Avelair Compressors? As nice as the mugs are, it’s not because we get a free mug! Our job at Cambs Compressors, when specifying a new replacement compressor or designing a new compressed air system, is to deliver a solution which meets the customers’ needs for the foreseeable future. This means we have a list of priorities to consider which form our specification process. 1 Compliance needs of the client and their applications 2 Environmental needs of the client and their applications 3 Air Demand and Flow Requirements These three core factors determine the functional needs of the client This is where we look at the specific compressor brands and select what we determine is the best fit for the client’s application. Why we choose Avelair compressors over similar specification compressors You don’t have to think too far back to remember how extended supply chains became an issue. We’ve tried to minimise this by significantly increasing the stock we hold, but having a manufacturer on our doorstep is very comforting. It makes attending product briefing workshops and induction days easy to attend (and of course we are presented with a personalised mug when we do!). n A Written Scheme of Examination n Examination Records n Maintenance Records n Risk Assessment Documentation n Training Records n Records of Competence n Emergency Procedures n Documentation of Compliance with Other Regulations n Noise Level Assessments n Records of Reporting Incidents (RIDDOR) n Documentation of Environmental Compliance