Cambs Compressors Newsletter Spring 2023
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[email protected] Compressed Air Equipment Design & Installation Solutions Compressor & Compressed Air System Maintenance C o m p r e s s e d A i r S y s t e m s , D e s i g n , S u p p l y , I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d S u p p o r t Cambs Compressor Engineering Ltd, 22 Edison Road, St Ives, Cambs PE27 3LF Tel: 0800 0029601 Email:
[email protected] Web: The range of products Cambs Compressors are indirectly involved with and where they are deployed is just amazing. Life and death applications Headquartered in Cambridge, Marshall Land Systems is a division of the Marshall Group. They design manufacture and supply integrated land solutions which are focused on supporting humanitarian, defence and security forces. Much of what they manufacture is for the world’s armed forces, but they do supply non- military customers. As a result, the bulk of what they make is destined for hostile environments. They provide the users with a solution, which could be the difference between life and death. Compressed air solutions for the most demanding manufacturing environments When the product you’re manufacturing ranges from a modular field system - incorporating a field hospital, operating theatres, and wards. To a variety of specialist military vehicles designed to cross the most unforgiving terrain. As well as provide a work place to operate in the worlds most dangerous environments. That’s pressure. Understanding where the products you manufacture are destined, and the importance that they play means you do not compromise on quality. Cambs Compressors are proud to be associated with the Marshall Group, and the products they produce. Emergency breakdown triage persuading factor It’s always rewarding to win new business, and even better to renew old acquaintances 24/7 Production needs 24/7 breakdown cover When a precision engineering company which produces products for a wide range of industry sectors had a compressor breakdown, they couldn’t afford to wait. The lack of response from their incumbent compressor services provider was creating a serious problem and the issue needed resolving asap. The Managing Director had worked with Cambs Compressors at a previous company. As the seconds ticked by he informed his team to call Cambs Compressors out of hours emergency number. Calls answered 24/7 and triaged for the fastest possible response When out of hours emergency calls are taken from clients experiencing serious compressor breakdowns, the Cambs Compressors team has a triage process. The process of quickly examining the issues in order to establish what’s causing the failure can often get the client up and running in a few minutes - without the need for a call-out. Modern communications mean that video calls are able to provide a quick tour of a facility, inspection of a compressor or critical component. Getting the compressed air system back up is paramount Where a triage call fails to solve the problem, a mobile compressor can be deployed and a temporary solution can be implemented. The key thing we focus on at Cambs Compressors is getting the customer back up and running as quickly as possible. Mark Fryer Managing Director, Cambs Compressors Marshall Land Systems Modular Field System Spraying military vehicles to modular field systems
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