Cambs Compressors Newsletter Spring 2023 Independent Milling Poultry Feed Business takes advantage of tax breaks 130% super-deduction capital allowance scheme ends in March 2023, many businesses have taken advantage of this to invest in a new compressor. Energy efficiency was a key driver - the tax relief was the catalyst The business which has multiple processing facilities across the UK, manufactures top quality feeds for the poultry sector. Working with poultry farmers, they plan and process production from the various crops used. Their expertise extends to the whole husbandry cycle of the poultry sector, in addition to the nutritional needs. Operating to the highest standards of quality, their target is zero downtime for production - which means the compressor system can’t fail. Investment in a large variable speed BOGE was the latest upgrade With a 500% hike in energy prices, installing a new super energy efficient compressor was being reviewed. With 130% tax relief on capital expenditure before March 31st 2023, it was just too good an opportunity to pass by. Although their old compressor worked fine, a simple energy test provided a compelling calculation of the different running costs. A new compressor could reduce their predicted energy cost plus bolster their compressed air system redundancy, whilst using their old compressors as an emergency back-up. The 130% super-deduction capital allowance scheme made this much more cost effective. Old compressor services customer returns! Automated Hospital Laundry Compressor maintenance service change outlines hidden value It’s a story most businesses can tell, a new buyer comes in to a clients business and they purely focus on reducing costs. A contract based upon minimising value can remove cost, but it isn’t necessarily the right option for the customer. The challenge is that unless you give the customer the choice, the chances are you’ll lose their business as the buyer is just doing their job. Moving away taught us both a valuable lesson Like many businesses, what you do, how you do it and why you do it often ‘just the way you do it!’ The trouble is with this approach is that the value it delivers a client is almost impossible to quantify. So when a long standing client moved away, the pain was real - we hated losing them! However, what we didn’t know is that in moving away they came to appreciate the value we added above and beyond our competitors. Here’s why they returned Speed of reaction, even out of hours Our office based support team, emergency host of hours support is literally a phone call away. Anyone answering can access the customers profile, understand their compressed air estate and access the last service schedules and advisory notes. Knowledge, experience of product Most of our field engineers are highly experienced, but if they come across a problem they can video conference their colleagues and have access to decades of experience in a second. Survey and detailed understanding site/ location their system Every site is different, it may be an infrastructure we’ve inherited or that’s been extended multiple times. Understanding the location and compressed air system is a critical factor in dealing with risks and failures. Faster to solve problems All the documenting of an individual clients compressed air estate, maintenance regime and usage takes time. However this investment and effort provides the vital information to diagnose issues. Having them documented also enables all the engineers to access any previous issues for future reference. Proactive solutions to avoid potential issues Once an issue is logged and fixed, the learnings are shared and the system can be searched for clients with the same products, usage, environmental similarities, etc. This means issues that may be predicted can be managed proactively. Hospitals of all sizes use compressed air for lots of important day-to-day operational functions. One of the first and most important concerns for air compressors in hospital settings is the quality of the compressed air for those processes that are directly involved with patient care, as clean and sanitary air is a critical requirement. Hospital laundry use of compressed air is 24/7 operation The highly automated hospital laundry equipment installed, uses compressed air in it’s 24/7 operation and provides the best possible washing process in a shorter time cycle. The machinery also ensures the highest possible standards of hygiene and disinfection. With everything we have experienced over the last couple of years, hospital laundries have become extremely important. At these kinds of facilities, nosocomial infections are common, and soiled or bloodstained linen is undoubtedly one of the most critical areas to consider. Compressed air for hospital laundry is a 24/7 critical application COST VALUE The struggle to explain best value to a professional buyer is difficult in any business, but for compressor servicing and support it’s essential. Annthea Fryer Finance and HR Director