Cambs Compressors Newsletter Autumn 2023
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[email protected] Compressed Air Equipment Design & Installation Solutions Compressor & Compressed Air System Maintenance C o m p r e s s e d A i r S y s t e m s , D e s i g n , S u p p l y , I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d S u p p o r t Cambs Compressor Engineering Ltd, 22 Edison Road, St Ives, Cambs PE27 3LF Tel: 0800 0029601 Email:
[email protected] Web: Mark Fryer Managing Director Craig Turner Service Director Nathan Hooker Service Manager Nikki Griffin Service Co-ordinator OPERATIONS SALES Alan Pilkington Spares & Warehousing Manager Richard Bachini Technical Solutions Engineer Annthea Fryer HR & Finance Director Sean Baker Sales Manager Cambs Compressors Team structure designed to make a difference We’ve been slowly but surely changing things at Cambs Compressors, so we thought now would be a good time to share what’s been going on and why! Proud sponsors of Milton FC Cambs Compressors ‘on the ball’ in the community and have sponsored the local football teams since 2019. Supporting Milton Football Club for the 2023-24 season The near 100 year old club runs 4 competitive men’s teams competing in the local leagues. Last season the first team won promotion to the Cambs County Premier Division. The league has teams from Cambridgeshire and western parts of Suffolk, Norfolk and north-western parts of Essex. Club Secretary Fraser Confrey gave thanks to Mark and Annthea and commented that we are delighted to continue our partnership with Cambs Compressors who recognise that times are tough financially in grassroots football. How Cambs Compressors sponsorship helps The sponsorship is needed to sustain the club, including everything from their monthly utility bills – electricity and water costs. This includes floodlights, building lights, heating and the four changing rooms and showers. It also helps fund its future growth and progress. On average, most weekends in the season, Milton FC have a footfall of 200-300 which is a mix of players, officials, and spectators at their home ground ‘The Sycamores’ - so we are supporting a great cause as well as getting the name of Cambs Compressor Services out into the local community. Our sole goal is ensuring our customers businesses run smoothly We realise the important role we play We realise the important role we play in ensuring our clients’ businesses are able to run their operations without unplanned downtime. In the event of a compressor breakdown, we know that seconds count and the pressure’s on. We have built our business on being in-tune with our customers’ needs, and 30 years on we’re still growing. During this time the technology in compressed air has developed, but not as significantly as the digital world and communication. Having spent the past 3 years migrating the business from paper to digital processes, we needed to optimise the structure. This has resulted in segmenting the management of the business into specialist roles to ensure we have the expertise, knowledge and speed needed for today. Focused roles, standardisation of working practices, and internal KPI’s designed to provide a better customer experience We’re a people business, we don’t want to move away from the strong relationships we’ve taken the time to develop, but we need to change to deliver the best proactive maintenance programme, supported by the most agile and responsive breakdown support. Flexibility and effective communication between the different core functions is key to harnessing the benefits of specialised roles. Historically, with fewer people we often had bottlenecks and unnecessary delays. The new structure ensures each area of the business has clear lines of reporting and KPI’s on activities. The specialist roles encourage the individuals to explore innovative solutions within their specific functions. This is already leading to the development of new ideas, processes, and approaches that contribute to the business’ overall success and customer experience.
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