Cambs Compressors Winter 2022 Newsletter

Cambs Compressor Engineering Ltd, 22 Edison Road, St Ives, Cambs PE27 3LF Tel: 0800 0029601 Email: [email protected] Web: Compressed Air Equipment Design & Installation Solutions Compressor & Compressed Air System Maintenance C o m p r e s s e d A i r S y s t e m s , D e s i g n , S u p p l y , I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d S u p p o r t If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter please email [email protected] Compressed air in the logistics sector The distribution and logistics industry is a highly competitive sector, so naturally has a keen focus on reducing energy consumption. Typically applications for compressed air within distribution and logistics There are many applications within distribution and logistics where compressed air is used, from the maintenance workshops keeping the wheels turning to the warehouse blower and vacuum applications managing the loading and unloading systems for bulk materials, liquids and liquified gases. Discharging these materials at optimum rates whether at low or high pressure from powders (cement, flour, lime) to granules (sugar, sand, salt), pebbles (plastic pellets, grit) and irregular shapes (animal feeds, quarried materials). Optimising compressed air costs in the distribution and logistics sector Distributional and logistical advances continue to grow, and professionals need the best equipment to keep discovering the best way to ship products with efficiency and care. But there is no getting way from the dramatic increase in electricity and how this impacts on the running costs of your compressed air system. Cambs Compressors can provide durable solutions for your specific needs, offering you a range of compressed air by matching your application with the right compressed air technology. Breathing air testing is dependent upon the application Breathing air must be tested at least every 3 months according to Government health and safety guidelines, however more frequently if the local situation demands it – HSE guideline document Respiratory Equipment at Work (HSG53). Employers have a duty of care to ensure that the breathing air they supply to their employees is safe to breathe, breathing air testing is necessary at regular intervals. A breathing air test typically checks the level of oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water vapour, oil and odour in the air. There are systems that constantly monitor the level of all these in real time. What factors can affect the quality of air and frequency of testing? There are numerous industrial applications where compressed air is used for breathing. Whether the user is sand blasting a steel railway bridge, and open to external influences, like wind, rain etc. Or spraying parts in a factory spray booth where the elements are controlled. The frequency of usage of the equipment is also a key factor. Is it used daily or on a project basis? This is why it should be incorporated into your workplace risk assessment and updated regularly to reflect results from ongoing breathing-air tests to maintain a robust control system. Risk assessments, legislation and a duty of care The frequency of testing is the responsibility of the employer and needs to comply with local legislation but also factor in the risk based upon the specific application or task, the frequency of use and the environment where it is being used. The provision of breathing air for a work related task is controlled by certain legal requirements, and the BCAS ‘Breathing Air’ data sheet outlines the key governance and regulatory requirements. But there are an infinite number of criteria impacting on the processes which are more or less open to interpretation. How often should breathing air be tested? One of the least understood uses of compressed air is for breathing air supplied to air respirators to reduce exposure to airborne contaminants present in hostile industrial environments. Mark Fryer Managing Director, Cambs Compressors