Cambs Compressors - Spring 2021
Cambs Compressor Engineering Ltd, 22 Edison Road, St Ives, Cambs PE27 3LF Tel: 0800 0029601 Email:
[email protected] Web: Compressed Air Equipment Design & Installation Solutions Compressor & Compressed Air System Maintenance C o m p r e s s e d A i r S y s t e m s , D e s i g n , S u p p l y , I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d S u p p o r t If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter please email
[email protected] Approved Specialist Distributors of Compressed Air Systems Cambs Compressors offer a comprehensive variety of options to suit your industry. Extensive experience in designing compressed air systems, installing complete solutions and developing niche products to solve clients problems. It means we’ve built a portfolio of brands with whom we work with and can provide the best solution to meet your very specific needs. Why the move to Cambs Compressors? Historically we used a local compressed air company. The support whilst responsive time wise was reactive rather than proactive. Problems when they arose were sorted but the initial cause didn’t seem to get identified and fixes were effective but not elegant. Cambs Compressors were invited in to access our compressed air infrastructure and advise on any issues or preventative changes they could see. The result of this was the most trouble-free period of production with regard to air services that I’ve seen in my time at Marlor. Your initial concerns of moving compressed air companies? We didn’t want to jump out of the frying pan into the fire! Lots of businesses are great at making promises when selling, then failing to deliver as soon as you’re a customer. We had to identify areas that Cambs Compressors could objectively help us improve - or the risk of switching was too great. Mark Fryer did a site survey with leak testing, including noise monitoring to find areas of compromised supply and then develop a solution plan. It was the first time we had someone look to improve the overall infrastructure where previously our contractor just wanted to upgrade the compressor to a larger unit to compensate for other issues, so my concerns were very quickly overcome. What were your expectations of Cambs Compressors you’d made the switch? We noticed from the very first site visits by Cambs Comp engineers how knowledgeable and professional they were, and we knew that however high our expectations, they would be fulfilled. What do you think were the greatest benefits? Peace of mind of not having to worry about air supply issues. If we lose our compressed air, all of the production machines stop, and we now have confidence that any issue would be a minor pause rather than a full stop . Our service suppliers are really service partners, and we anticipate nothing but a comfortable working partnership – a requirement upon which Cambs Compressors have delivered exceptionally well. Does the Cambs Compressor promise live up the reality of switching supplier a year on? Marlor Tooling switched from their incumbent compressed air supplier just over a year ago and we wanted to ask them honestly if we’d lived up to our promises. Martyn Cross, Works Director gives us his candid response to the move. MARLOR TOOLING Cutting edge tool design and manufacture
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