Layout 1 WINTER ‘Keeping the heart of Industry Pumping’ Coronavirus makes 2020 a year we may want to forget, but it’s one we will always remember - however it’s not been all bad news. Cambs Compressors Seismic Shift in 2020 COVID-19 has pushed Cambs Compressors over the technology tipping point—and transformed the compressed air business forever. COVID-19 has undoubtedly speeded up the adoption of digital technologies by several years. To stay competitive in this pandemic economic rollercoaster required new strategies and practices. Technology became a critical component of the business overnight. 30% increase in new customer acquisition One of the biggest benefits of the year is companies looking for compressor repairs and compressed air installations want professional companies. The ability to react quickly with a professional solution has seen Cambs Compressors new customer acquisition increase by 30% on the typical year. As winter looms, there is essential maintenance you need to perform, especially if your air compressor is likely to experience temperatures below 5°C. Air Compressor Maintenance During Winter If the temperature drops below 5°C, it can cause a variety of problems, including frozen condensate and thickened compressor oil. If these issues are left unchecked, the performance of your compressor is likely to suffer, or your compressor may even break down. Air Compressors hate cold weather Take a few simple steps now to avoid the misery and expense of an ‘emergency compressor breakdown’ call out. As temperatures drop, problems can occur because low temperatures cause several issues with the fluids within the compressor itself and also to the condensate created, when air is compressed and then cooled. Condensate is a mix of (99%) water and (1%) oil. Air Compressor Dryers and Filters Dryers and filters built into your compressed air system remove water from the compressed air and prevent any water present from freezing in the downstream pipework and equipment. So keeping your dryers and filters working effectively is important but refrigerated dryers only work effectively at ambient temperatures above 5°C. If you would like more advice about compressor maintenance, Cambs Compressors is always happy to help. Please contact our expert team for more information. 2020 a year to remember or a year to forget? Essential Winter Maintenance for Air Compressors