Any moisture in the compressed air supply can cause the storage system to freeze, riskinAg the potentially priceless samples being destroyed. Cambs Compressors technical team set about designing a bespoke solution for TTP Labtech’s comPOUND® and arktic® innovative storage systems.
Hermetically-sealed inert environment storing biological or chemical compounds
TTP Labtech’s sample storage systems are designed to manage small molecule compound libraries in pharmaceutical companies. The innovative design uses a unique compressed air transport system to minimise the use of electrical and mechanical components in the cold zone for optimal reliability. Tubes travel in a flow of air, so are subject to minimal external pressures. However if the compressed air entering the biobank contains moisture, it will freeze up the internal workings of the biobank delivery system and potentially risk the samples being destroyed.
Provide a solution with a ‘pressure dew point’ of -70oC
“Creating an ‘ultra dry air’ supply was imperative as the contents of the ttplabtech comPOUND® & arktic® machines could be a scientists life’s work. Having been briefed on the issues, our focus went beyond the initial commissioning of the unit as we considered the implications of servicing and the logistics of a globally distributed product.”
Mark Fryer, Managing Director, Cambs Compressors
Specially designed unit and service pack ensures ultra dry air and pressure dew point exceeding -70oC
After some intense development and rigorous trials, the Cambs Compressors solution was supplied to TTP Labtech and tested on both their comPOUND® & arktic® storage solutions. It solved the issues identified and as a result, the product ranges have become synonymous with extreme reliability and the leaders in robust modular storage for biological or chemical compound libraries. With installations across a wide range of sectors including pharmaceutical, academic and medical – the comPOUND® & arktic® storage solutions are located across the globe.
Pre-dried service pack and installation process provided a global solution
To maintain productivity and provide optimal protection of assets, the storage systems need to be serviced regularly. A unique pre-dried service pack and installation process was also developed by Cambs Compressors. This bespoke solution reduces the ‘risk at time of servicing’ from an increase in moisture levels and enables the support to be delivered at any location around the world. This service provision is either provided via qualified Cambs Compressor trained third parties or Cambs Compressors’ own engineering team.
What kind of compressed air application do you need?
Cambs Compressors specialise in multiple types of air compression technologies, and are highly skilled in selecting the proper equipment design and solutions for your operation.
Our trained team of experts can walk you through each step of the process – and it starts with our free audit, all you need to do is call 0800 0029601