Cambs Compressors started in 1993. It was the year of Brit Pop, the opening of the Channel Tunnel, the movies Jurassic Park and Sleepless in Seattle were released and Buckingham Palace opened its doors to the public for the first time.
Transitioning to provide world class service
Cambs Compressors started as a business in 1993, and we've grown organically on the back of recommendations over the last 30 years. Continually evolving the business to reflect the customers’ needs, we’ve acquired a fantastic customer base and have a brilliant team supporting them. However, Covid and the lockdowns made us take a good look at our business, and there's no doubt it's changed how many businesses now operate. We too identified we needed to change. I believe we're now in the position where we have the right structure, operational systems and people to really make a difference. It's a really exciting time and hopefully you and our customers are starting to feel the benefits of these changes.
Where we are now would be unimaginable 30 years ago
1n 1993, believe it or not, no businesses in the UK had a website, very few had email, and you were at the cutting edge if you had a mobile phone that wasn't attached to a car battery! To compete in today’s world the digitisation of information and speed of communication is critical. Cambs Compressors have gone through three painful years of migrating from paper based systems to a fully digitised system. During this period, we have worked with experts like Charlie Colquhoun, an IT guru who has educated us on how the larger organisations optimise resources, structure their teams, etc. We identified this was also something we needed to do, and we're structured very differently than even a couple of years ago.