When a leading aerospace manufacturer requested a quiet and portable air compressor for an inspection kit – Cambs Compressor developed a tailored solution which is now used all over the world.
A simple solution to save time, money and lives
The aero engine manufacturer needed a quiet and portable air compressor for an inspection kit which could be used as a part of a solution to investigate and/or inspect aircraft engines. The technical requirements came through but following a brief telephone conversation, it was agreed to get the best possible solution – a ‘face to face’ engineers briefing was required. The solution required by the aerospace manufacturer enables the non-destructive testing of aero engines, without the need to remove the engine from the aircraft.
Engineers focused on solutions quickly led to the right questions
Once the Cambs Compressors engineer was able to fully understand the requirements of the aero engineering team, the brief became more comprehensive. As an integral component of the inspection kit, the compressor would need to be shipped all over the world. Having a good grasp on the whole project needs meant the right compressor was selected and the brief was expanded to other possible modifications, including a bespoke flight case.
An ‘off the shelf compressor unit’ was dispatched and delivered on free trial
The weeks free trial proved successful, the compressor did exactly what was required. Cambs Compressors then modified the unit to provide an holistic solution which incorporated a bespoke wheeled flight case. This was specifically designed to make both the unit highly portable, but also contain the ancillary equipment required within the inspection kit.
Cambs Compressors now supply the tailored solution across the globe
The solution developed by the aerospace manufacturer enables the inspection and non-destructive testing of aero engines on the airport apron. This simple solution helps to save time, money and lives. The tailored air compressor solution provided by Cambs Compressors is a key component of the solution and is exported to aero engineers across the world.
Do you have a challenging compressed air requirement?
Cambs Compressors specialise in multiple types of air compression technologies, and are highly skilled in selecting the proper equipment design and solutions for your operation. Our trained team of experts can walk you through each step of the process – and it starts with our free audit, all you need to do is call ???
"Understanding the purpose of the specification helped us to develop a better solution, which is why we always encourage a face to face briefing whenever possible."
Mark Fryer, Managing Director, Cambs Compressors