Joining forces with Mercedes F1 Racing Team to deliver school’s electric car project

August 26, 2019

Brington Primary School reached out to local businesses to help them to engage their pupils with engineering. This was in conjunction with their Eagles electric KIT car/sustainability project and Cambs Compressors volunteered their support with the loan of engineer and service manager, Craig Turner.

It’s great to engage the children with Engineering

Engineering is the foundation of the world around us and Compressed Air is involved in the manufacture of iPhones to JCB’s, and powers the F1 teams as they perform their eye wateringly fast pit stops. Yet in recent years, engineering has not attracted the number of graduates the industry demands. Cambs Compressors has positively engaged with schools like Brington Primary to help educate the children on what engineering is all about. So when this opportunity was presented Cambs Compressors Managing Director Mark Fryer had no hesitation in supporting the children at Brington Primary in their Eagles electric KIT car/sustainability project.

Eagles electric KIT car/sustainability project

“Our Key Stage 2 programme, the teaching of Years 3 through to 6, is designed to encourage engagement and provide a greater variety stimulus to engage the children in their development. The Eagles electric KIT car/sustainability project has really sparked the childrens interest in engineering. Having an exciting project like this is great, but what makes it so exciting is having the support of real engineers sharing their skill, expertise and inspiring the children to learn more.”

“Craig, from our super sponsors Cambs Compressors, came to see the Eagles get behind the wheel of the car for its first outing on the playground. We've got some budding racing drivers all revved up for our first race day!”

“We were blown away when engineer Ben, from the world-conquering Mercedes F1 racing team, visited to tell us about life in the fast lane. He brought some amazing bits of kit with him – some of us even got the chance to sit in Lewis Hamilton's race seat and to try on his £10,000 race suit!”

Mark Farrell
Headteacher, Brington Church of England Primary School


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