Is your compressor ready for this Winter?

December 12, 2022

Air Compressors hate cold weather, so here's what to do to get your air compressor ready for winter!


Three Essential Winter Maintenance for Air Compressors

As winter looms, there is essential maintenance you need to perform, especially if your air compressor is likely to experience temperatures below 5°C. Take three simple steps now to avoid the misery and expense of an ‘emergency compressor breakdown’ call out.


1 – Regularly drain the condensate from your compressor system

One of your compressors biggest enemies is moisture. Condensate tends to collect at low points within the compressed air system. These include, the compressor, separators, receivers, filters and dryers as well as in low points in the compressed air pipework. If temperatures fall low enough this condensate will freeze, blocking pipes or voids within the compressor, dryers, filters and pipework. If there is frozen condensate in the pipework, this can get blown to the downstream, causing damage to the equipment the compressed air system services.


2 – Fit heating inside your compressor room

If you want to ensure your facility continues to function as it should during the winter, it’s vital to protect your industrial air compressor from extreme seasonal temperatures. You can use an ambient heater, to ensure the temperature is just above the minimum to safeguard the compressor from wear on the motor and lower the possibility of system failure.

You might not have as many issues if you run your system around the clock, versus operating it only on weekdays. Operating only on weekdays could lead to problems on Monday morning if the temperature drops over the weekend and the system isn’t running to create its own heat.


3 – Make sure your compressor has been regularly serviced

Whilst you can always take advantage of our 24/7 call out service, it’s more cost effective – and less stressful – to prepare your system in advance. Time spent checking potential issues could save you trouble later, and if you want some expert advice, contact the Cambs Compressor team and we’ll be happy to schedule in a winter service and check up. The service will cover all of your compressed air and associated equipment.


Call Cambs for a professionals guide to ‘Preparing your compressor for winter’

If you’re running compressed air equipment when the ambient temperature drops near or below freezing, you should be carrying out these simple checks to make sure your production is protected to avoid expensive and unnecessary repair bills. If you have any concerns, it is probably more cost effective and less risky, to have a professional engineer carry out your winter maintenance review. The engineer will provide you with a quick checklist and show you what you can do to mitigate the impact low temperatures have on your system.