The air compresses, cleans, dries and stores air, which powers the tools and key functions of dental treatment and a vacuum system to remove waste. Which is why, it is essential for dental practices to ensure that they have the very best compressed air equipment and management processes in place, to protect their patients from air contaminates and bacterias.
Growing demand for HTM2022 Air Quality Standards
The right dental compressor can help to reduce contaminants and subsequently minimise the risk of infection or cross-contamination. Guidance is given in HTM 2022 published by the Department of Health to assess the system for technical shortcomings, and although it’s essential for NHS practices, it’s not mandatory for private practices.
Dental Compressor Regulation HTM2022
This requires compressed air to be generated by an oil free compressor with an integral dryer, internally coated air receiver and a breathing air and bacterial filter down stream of the compressor.
Dental air should be supplied via a compressor, which is fitted with an air-intake filter and a post-compression filtration and dryer system. This ensures that the air is clean and dry, minimising the risk of contamination of the system by micro-organisms and improving the efficiency of dental instruments.
• The dryer system should be capable of producing air with an atmospheric dew-point not less than –20ºC.
• The filter system should provide dust filtration down to 1 μm with a DOP (aerosol) efficiency of not less than 99.97% and bacteria filtration down to 0.01 μm with a DOP (aerosol) efficiency of not less than 99.9999%.
Specialist dental air compressor and compressed air solutions
The dental air compressor is distinct to dental surgeries as they lower the dew point of the compressed air, removing impurities via an inline filtration system and removing moisture from the air through a compressed air dryer to protect your handpiece, ensure dry air from the 3:1 and eliminate bacteria.
Dental Compressor Regulation HTM02-01 Part A
This relates to your pipework system design, installation, validation and verification.
Dental Compressor Regulation HTM02-01 Part B
This relates to your pipework system, ensuring it is safely located away from potential damage, is free from leaks and contains sufficient isolation valves.
Scheduled maintenance to reduce risk and stay compliant to M2022 Air Quality Standards
Whatever compressor system is used, the importance of properly conducted regular maintenance cannot be overstressed. The air compressors Cambs Compressors supply are designed to provide years of trouble-free, reliable service, although certain components and filters do require periodic servicing. Unexpected breakdowns can be avoided by maintaining your machinery and taking one of our service schedules.
Contact our Service team, for tips on maintaining your dental equipment or if you would like us to review your current installation. At Cambs Compressors, we also keep air compressor spares and accessories in stock, so keep us in mind if your current air compressor is not working.