Current HSE Guidance for Pressurised Systems

February 8, 2021

When using pressure systems, every employer or self-employed person has a duty to provide a safe workplace and safe work equipment.

Understand your legal responsibilities for Compressed Air

Once it is installed, the user has primary responsibility for the pressure system. Employers’ duties in relation to the pressure system include ensuring the design and construction is fit for purpose and complies with all applicable regulations. Sufficient written information must be provided concerning the design, construction, examination, operation and maintenance of the system.


Written Scheme of Examination

All new and existing compressed air installations must conform to the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (PSSR2000). All pressure systems larger than 250 bar/litres must have a ‘written scheme of examination’ and a statutory inspection in accordance with the written scheme.

A written scheme of examination is a report that details safety devices and components associated with the systems pressure vessels. It also includes inspection periods for each device or component. In some cases a schematic drawing of the whole air network is required.


Are you working safely around pressure systems and equipment?

If compressed air pressurised systems or equipment fails in use, it can seriously injure or kill. Once it is installed,  the user has primary responsibility for the pressure system, in particular:

  • Training and safe operation
  • Maintenance
  • Action in case of emergency
  • Safe operating limits
  • Written scheme of examination
  • Periodic examination of system
  • Keeping records

Safety training and responsibility for compressed air installations

As a member of the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS), Cambs Compressors strive to help customers increase their knowledge about compressed air. Whether you want to know more about working safely with compressed air or simply to ensure you are compliant with compressed air legislation – call us for a free initial consultation on 0800 0029601 (8am to 5pm) or 07774 216495 (Out of hours).


Cambs Compressors Compressed Air Maintenance Solutions

  • 24 Hour Compressor Emergency Breakdown Call Out

Cambs Compressor Engineering Ltd work with you if you have an equipment or system failure at any time of the day or night, 365 days a year for emergency air compressor repairs.

  • Compressed Air Risk Assessments

Compressed air is essential to many process operations in commercial and institutional settings – however, the risks associated with compressed air must be professionally assessed. Compressed air risk assessments are essential for any workplace as compressed air can pose a threat of serious or even fatal consequences.

  • Energy Efficiency Audit & Leak Testing

A compressed air energy efficiency audit and leak testing service helps our customers understand where they have compressed air wastage. It’s likely you’re paying too much in electricity and potentially experiencing unnecessary maintenance and breakdown costs if this isn’t regularly checked.

If you would like more advice about compressor maintenance, Cambs Compressors is always happy to help. Please contact our expert team for more information.


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