CompAir Hydrovane Compressed Air Solutions

CompAirHydrovane has consistently been at the forefront of compressed air system development, resulting in the most energy efficient compressors on the market today.
BOGE Air Compressors

BOGE is a leading German compressor manufacturer headquartered in Bielefeld, Germany and has earned a strong reputation for building premium quality compressors in support of a large global distribution network located in more than 120 countries.
Bambi compressed air solutions

Established in 1977, Bambi Air Compressors Ltd is based in Birmingham, UK, and enjoys a worldwide reputation for the manufacture of innovative and meticulously engineered products.
BEKO compressed air and compressed gas technology

BEKO Technologies develops, manufactures and distributes products for the treatment of compressed air.
Compressed Air Risk Assessment

Compressed air is common place in commercial and institutional settings and is a vital contributor to productivity in the manufacturing and industrial landscape.
Cambs Compressors – Investing in the future

With a move to new premises, a renewed focus being measurably the best compressed air service provider in the region – our attention has now expanded to include apprenticeships.
25 years of Cambs Compressors 1993-2018

Jurassic Park and Sleepless in Seattle were released at the movies, Buckingham Palace opened its doors to the public for the first time and Cambs Compressors was launched by Mark Fryer with £350 and a second hand Mark 1 Ford Fiesta.
Compressed Air Reconfiguration of Leading Horticultural Company

When the Chief Engineer had to reconfigure air systems to provide the manufacturing and production facility of one of the UK’s leading horticultural companies with greater redundancy.
Compressed Air Equipment Specialists

Whether you need design, sales and hire to repairs and regular maintenance, Cambs Compressors is the compressed air equipment specialist for Cambridgeshire, East Anglia and the East Midlands.
Cost of Compressed Air – Rule of Thumb

Compressed air can be a very expensive method of transferring energy because of the total energy supplied to a compressor, as little as 8-10% is typically converted into usable energy.