No such thing as a boring day!

Cambs Compressors provide compressed air solutions to a range of customers who operate in Agriculture to Life Sciences and much more.
Optimising your compressed air system

Compressed air is one of the most expensive utilities in an industrial plant. It is a fact that compressed air is a poor way to transmit energy to an industrial machine or tool if you want superior efficiency.
Benefits of air compressor preventative maintenance

If you want your air compressor and its attachments to last longer and perform with greater efficiency, then you need to engage in a preventative maintenance programme designed by a trained professional.
Eco-friendly with oil-free air compressors

Interested in becoming more eco-friendly? Oil-free industrial air compressors are both efficient and environmentally friendly because they consume less energy as they compress air and do not emit or produce any harmful or hazardous waste.
How do you size air lines?

Figuring the correct pipe size for your compressed air distribution system is an important task. Pipe that is sized too small can create big pressure losses and reduce operating efficiency.
What is the most cost-effective technology for drying compressed air?

Every compressed air system worldwide has differing application needs and usage demands. Compressed air systems account for a significant portion of a facility’s overall operating costs.
The Curse of the Engineer

The ‘curse of the engineer’ and why problem solving is in our DNA at Cambs Compressors.
Spring cleaning your compressed air system

As the unprecedented wet weather of the winter finally starts to dissipate, the daylight hours increase week by week, spring must be in the air.
Download our Spring 2020 Newsletter

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Cambs Compressors COVID-19 Working Practices

As a supplier to several essential and critical services Cambs Compressors will continue to support all clients but will obviously prioritise emergency breakdowns accordingly