Compressed air energy use under the microscope

When Prior Scientific a global leader in Scientific Microscopes wanted to explore their compressed air energy consumption, as well as the options for them to lower their carbon footprint, the devil was in the detail.

Moisture content controller for compressed air

Cutting edge moisture content controller for compressed air (DAC) developed by Cambs Compressors is a critical component of The National Center for Translational Medicine at Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai.

Cambs Compressors 1992 – 2022

May 1992: Please Don’t Go by KWS topped the music charts, John Major was Prime Minister, you only made calls on your mobile and I was driving a Ford Fiesta – having just started Cambs Compressors from my garage.

In training for the cold water Swim

The water doesn’t get much colder than the Upper Loch Torridon in January, where Mark and Annthea took a well-deserved break at the start of the New Year to catch up with family, after the past 18 months of restrictions.