Do you know your legal obligations of running a compressed air system?

Businesses in the UK running compressed air systems have legal obligations to ensure the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their activities.
Do you have a written scheme of examination for your compressed air system?

In the eyes of the law the responsibility to ensure a safe working environment falls upon the employer and/or senior management team.
10 Tips on how to reduce your compressed air costs

Want to know the most energy efficient way to operate your compressed air system, here we’ve put together a quick checklist.
Automated Hospital Laundry

Compressed air for hospital laundry is a 24/7 critical application.
Compressed air in medical, scientific and pharmaceutical applications

Whether visiting your dentist or receiving life saving drugs, the role of compressed air in the evolution and industrialisation of the medical, scientific and pharmaceutical sectors has been ever present.
Open Ventilator System Initiative Update

Cambridge Festival praised Cambs Compressors and other local businesses for their role in a consortium which developed an oxygen concentrator which functions in tough conditions.
Moisture content controller for compressed air

Cutting edge moisture content controller for compressed air (DAC) developed by Cambs Compressors is a critical component of The National Center for Translational Medicine at Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai.
Cambs cover Europe supporting arktic™ biobank

The arktic™ Biobank supports the biotechnology research sector, and leaders in developing new generations of engineered antibody products.
Air compressor freezing up?

Air Compressors hate cold weather, so here’s what to do to stop your air compressor freezing up!
Open Ventilator System Initiative

A new ventilator and oxygen concentrator created in Cambridge will help potentially help serve hundreds of millions of people treat patients third world countries.