Do you know your legal obligations of running a compressed air system?
Businesses in the UK running compressed air systems have legal obligations to ensure the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their activities.
Compressed air solutions for science and technology applications
Located on the doorstep of Cambridge Science Park and servicing multiple research labs working on ground-breaking projects – Cambs Compressors are accustomed to a challenge.
Do you have a written scheme of examination for your compressed air system?
In the eyes of the law the responsibility to ensure a safe working environment falls upon the employer and/or senior management team.
10 Tips on how to reduce your compressed air costs
Want to know the most energy efficient way to operate your compressed air system, here we’ve put together a quick checklist.
Compressed air in electronics and technology applications
The manufacture of electronic components requires sensitive, high tech equipment.
Air compressor freezing up?
Air Compressors hate cold weather, so here’s what to do to stop your air compressor freezing up!
Neon Lights, Camera, Action
When a business who started life as a film, television and music industry, specialising in the creation of sets and set-pieces for the likes of the BBC, ITV and Sony Entertainment needed a new compressor – who did they call?
Authorised distributor of nano-purification solutions
Cambs Compressors is an authorised distributor of nano-purification solutions technology.
Electronics manufacturer lost faith in incumbent Compressed Air supplier
The company, which had been a client of Cambs Compressors for more than a decade before, had to reluctantly change suppliers as a result of being acquired.