Old compressor services customer returns!

The struggle to explain best value to a professional buyer is difficult in any business, but for compressor servicing and support it’s essential.
HSE Compressed Air Risks Identified

When a client had an HSE compliance visit they were left with an intervention and time limit to close out the issues identified.
RAF Lakenheath

High pressure breathing compressed air for firefighters.
Compressors service spares frustration overcome

To combat the delay in routine ordering of spares, Cambs now work 2-3 months in advance.
Listening to customers and adapting the system

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software optimising how we work – not controlling what we do!
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Independent Milling Poultry Feed Business takes advantage of tax breaks

130% super-deduction capital allowance scheme ends in March 2023, many businesses have taken advantage of this to invest in a new compressor.
Compressed air in the logistics sector

The distribution and logistics industry is a highly competitive sector, so naturally has a keen focus on reducing energy consumption.
What does Compressed Air have to do with Mother’s Day?

If you get flowers from a UK retailer, the likelihood is they came from a Cambs Compressors client.
How often should breathing air be tested?

One of the least understood uses of compressed air is for breathing air supplied to air respirators to reduce exposure to airborne contaminants present in hostile industrial environments.