Greener compressed air solution for global food producer
New vegan line needed to be super eco-friendly whilst compliant with the highest levels of international and national, regulatory, and non-regulatory food safety standards.
Classic car restoration and the quality of compressed air
When a long-standing customer, renowned for the quality of their restoration projects, needed to achieve the best possible paint finish from their existing compressor, an enthusiastic Mark responded to the challenge.
Introducing Sean Baker
Sean is the new Sales Manager at Cambs Compressors and brings considerable experience to the business. It’s one of the final pieces in the jigsaw and will help provide the structure we need to enable us to be more proactive in supporting our customers.
Recognising the need for change at Cambs Compressors
Cambs Compressors started in 1993. It was the year of Brit Pop, the opening of the Channel Tunnel, the movies Jurassic Park and Sleepless in Seattle were released and Buckingham Palace opened its doors to the public for the first time.
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Proud sponsors of Milton FC
Cambs Compressors ‘on the ball’ in the community and have sponsored the local football teams since 2019.
If you could only predict the unpredictable?
What are the most likely days of the year you will struggle to get emergency breakdown support for your compressors?
Congratulations to Jordan Baker on qualifying as an engineer
Three year apprenticeship with Cambs Compressors ends in success!
Energy company chooses Cambs Compressors for new installation
Two new compressors and pipework installed to help them expand eco-friendly energy supply.
Congratulations to our Apprentice Engineer Ethan Day
After passing his driving test and successfully entering into the second year of his apprenticeship, Ethan now has more responsibility and a company vehicle.