Launched at this year’s Air-Tech exhibition, the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) has launched its 10% Taskforce initiative.
It's a call for UK businesses to cut compressed air energy usage by 10%
By cutting business compressed air energy usage by 10 per cent, has the potential to save a combined £147.5 million in wasted electricity costs. At a time when energy bills are soaring, the initiative which was launched in April is expected to be met with great enthusiasm. Businesses wanting to become involved are being asked to pledge their commitment to the 10% Taskforce and learn how they could cut energy consumption from their compressed air systems.
“Our new 10% Taskforce is designed to help businesses save money and make a positive difference to the environment. We encourage everyone in the industry to get involved. Alongside a dedicated white paper (available to download for free at, which details the energy-saving potential and some of the simple steps that can be implemented, we will also be showcasing some of the best examples of energy-saving compressed air programmes through our website and social media.”
The British Compressed Air Society
Cambs Compressors Free Assessment as a part of BCAS 10% Taskforce
If cutting your business compressed air energy usage by 10 per cent has sparked an interest – act now! Cambs Compressors engineers can provide you with an expert assessment free. System safety survey & energy audits will identify inefficient equipment, maintenance procedures, and recommend low cost/no cost measures to reduce cost such as leak detection and repair to reduce system waste.