Increasing the technology requires experts with experience to ensure we're focused on adding value.
Compressed air technology transformation
As a company, we have recognised the importance of data to help customers receive the most efficient service levels. To support us in our technology transformation challenge, we have appointed Charlie Colquhoun. Charlie is based in Santa Barbara, California, and visited our offices in August to see first hand the physical infrastructure. Based in the USA is a tremendous advantage for his role, as his days are our nights – this means any systems updates can be done when usage is minimised.
Keeping on track to deliver the best Compressed Air solutions, support and maintenance
Charlie has a solid background in implementing core IT systems in a live working environment. Since we've adopted the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software to manage our business – we also recognised we needed some expert help rolling it out. Charlie's role is to oversee the software's roll-out and ensure we keep on the critical path agreed during his time with Cambs Compressors in August.
Speed and transparency of communication
Implementing the ERP means integrating all of the processes needed to run Cambs Compressors within a single system. This new system will allow our engineers to have all the information they need at a mouse click when on site. Your compressed air system profile and history will be instantly accessible, making planning visits and responding to issues much more efficient. All jobs are recorded instantly, which means company-wide communication is immediate and any parts or components required can be ordered without delay. Our service is tailored to the complexities and unique workflows of your business, enabling us to provide even higher service levels.