When unloading raw materials it was slow, at risk of contamination and expensive
With growing demand for it’s product and on the hunt for productivity increases the manufacturer approached Cambs Compressors for help. The main raw materials unloaded are cement powder and sand. Compressed air is used to pressurise the delivery tanker and offload the power into on-site silos. The delivery tanker had an on-board compressor but this option had been reviewed some years before, and because the air quality and cost couldn’t be validated, the manufacturer had opted for its own compressors.
x1 132kw variable speed Air Compressor x2 75kw to provide a faster solution using less energy
The two existing 75kw compressors, (x1 lead x1 back-up) had worked well however, the growth of the business and usage of compressed air meant the back-up was kicking in more often. With the new generation compressors so much more energy efficient than older compressors, the review of the entire compressed air system was undertaken. It was found by using the two existing 75kw compressors as back-up to the new 132kw Air Compressor, the manufacturer would have a faster off-load, using less energy, give a validated air quality and a higher redundancy level. The new compressor was installed and after monitoring the system it’s now found the air usage much more energy efficient.
If you want a no-obligation review to explore whether your manufacturing process could have more energy efficient air usage – then call 0800 0029601