With 10% of global energy consumption estimated to be used to produce compressed air, energy saving will help reduce your carbon footprint and save on your bottom line costs too.
When was the last time you reviewed what your compressed air leakage was costing you?
Loss of compressed air power due to leakage may stimulate you into exploring your system and looking for inefficient control and leakages. However, if you are using compressed air, it’s highly likely you have air leaks somewhere in the system. Which is why we recommend an audit of your system so you can see exactly how much your wasted air is costing in power generation.
The most expensive component in the total cost of compressed air is energy
Over the lifetime of a typical compressor, energy typically costs several times more than the purchase price of the compressor. The bottom line – maximising energy efficiency saves you money. The first step to reduce compressed air energy costs is to measure and monitor your compressed air system's energy consumption, flow rates and operating air pressure. Small adjustments can reduce your operating pressure and energy costs while improving flow rates and output.
Want to reduce your energy bill by up to 20% overnight?
There are 168 hours in a week, but most compressed air systems only run at or near full capacity between 60-100 hours. Depending on your shift pattern, turning your compressors off during the evenings and weekends could reduce your energy bills by up to 20 per cent.
Did you know approximately 80% of air leaks are not audible?
Pipe systems older than five years can have leaks of up to 25 per cent. Because it takes energy to generate compressed air, any air that leaks is money wasted. Using specialist equipment your leaks can be quickly detected and the ‘leakage costs’ calculated. Check the system pressure and run at required pressures, not beyond. Resist the urge to turn up the pressure or add additional compressors to compensate for leaks or drops in pressure due to piping problems or clogged filters. It takes energy to generate compressed air, any air that leaks is money wasted.
Free audit of your compressed air pipework and analysis of hidden energy costs
Cambs Compressors specialise in multiple types of air compression technologies, and are highly skilled in selecting the proper equipment design and layout for your operation.